Eweek SalE 2023  Now CLosed

My World of Needlework

EWeek, my yearly Oct Sale is now CLOSED

Important! If you are a new customer of mine,  please read about my instructions and the reason I package them the way I do.

Scroll down to lower yellow navigation bar and click on


Click on the either Window below to revisit Surprise Windows

Revisiting Surprise Windows

New Snow Maiden Blue

REVISITING Designs for EWeek 2023

     Click on any photo for larger photos, details about

     the design and PayPal buttons. Scroll down for More Designs.

New Snow Maiden Purple

New Snow Maiden's

Winter Heart in Blue

Or in Purple

New Snow Maiden's

Little Sisters:

Matryoshka Blue and Matryoshka Purple

New SnowFlake Ornaments


Saturday's Surprise




Sunday's Surprise Windows


Realistically I reached the number of packages that I can ship, so I closed my EWeek Sale at  9:00 a.m. California time on Oct 23.  

I have started packing, so far I have been sending out Pride and Prejudice Pre-Sale orders. I will begin in earnest as soon as I have copies from my print shop.

Carolyn and I will be back in December. If there is something you are sad you missed, let me know and I may bring it back then.

Thank you to all of you who visited my sale.

Transitioning to Mail Jail