Surprise Christmas 9

Gay Ann Rogers  Needlework

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Echoes I and II

At EWeek I promised more  Echoes at Christmastime.

I'm sorry, I ran out of time.

If you want Echoes I or II, email me and I will try and make them for delivery in January.

I will make Echoes 1 for the first two people who write to me and request it.

I will make Echoes II for the first two people who write to me and request it.

Beyond two requests, I will take a wait list and see if I have enough supplies.

The price of the kit is $246.00. I may have to make some substitutions.

Echoes I

Echoes II, Tudor Rose Sampler

Email me

about Echoes

Echoes I and II

Why did I run out of time?

In short I wrote the instructions for Dressing Henry and it took longer than I imagined.

I will finish Henry in a couple of weeks and will turn my attention back to a very limited number of Echoes for January delivery.

Price of Echoes I or II is

$248.00 including shipping and insurance.

Operative word here is....


Coming in October 2024: Carrying on my Tudor tradition, here is

Dressing Henry

Dressing Henry

Here is Henry, dressed in patterns derived from Holbein et al.

Writing Henry took me too long and is the reason I didn't finish kits for Matryoshkas or a few more kits of Echoes.

Note the Tudor Rose on the left of Henry, set off by a white rose and a red rose on the right of Henry..

My attempt at a bit of history: the  white York Rose united with the red Lancaser Rose to make the Tudor Rose.

Notice little white and red roses are also on Echoes II.

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