Gay Ann Rogers  Needlework

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Thank you for coming to EWeek 2023.

2024 on Queendom Website

If my life runs more smoothly in 2024 than it did in 2023, I will have a combination year: Patriotica in the spring and Royalty in the fall.

In June look for the return of some Patriotic designs, as well as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.

In October look for Dressing Henry and/or Dressing Elizabeth, plus

the return of a couple of copies of my queens, a new crown along with the old ones and some royal hearts and perhaps some royal laces.

Those are my plans for now.



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Christmas on Queendom Website

We have some treats, Carolyn and I. Carolyn will be back with more special antique needlework tools and I have a small treat I set aside for the season. Yes, you met

Matryoshka 1. At Christmastime you will meet her smaller sisters.

Looking Ahead....

And Anything else?

Maybe the return of some Christmas Hearts. I have had so many requests for my hearts from last year.

I thought I would see if I have beads and stuff and make some more for the holidays.

Recognize three?

The three larger were in EWeek. Notice two smaller, perfect for last minute ornament gifts. Quick to stitch, quick to put together in no time at all

A New Geometric

A Snowflake Geometric on 18 mesh canvas completes my Winter Collection.

It can be any color or colors, so I will sell the

pattern and the sequins.

A Christmas Present for yourself for the chilly

winter days ahead?