Treasured Remembrance Sampler Part 1 A Sentimental Journey
I always have a photo in my mind of an old-fashioned woman with a high neck lace collar and a came pinned to the lace collar.
Nothing could be farther from the truth than the story of a cameo my grandmother gave me long ago.
First of all, it was loose, unset, a sure sign that my grandmother had never worn it -- or for that matter, I don't think she ever wore a cameo at all.
Yet she treasured this cameo greatly and when she gave it to me, she told me it was a nice cameo and I should be careful of it.
Years later, after DH and I were married, he ran off with my cameo to a local jeweler and had it set for me as a 5th Wedding Anniversary present.
So it is indeed a very sentimental cameo for me.
Treasured Remembrance Sampler Part 2 My Grandmother
My Grandmother was a very colorful person with a lifestyle to match.
She had three children, my father was the oldest. When he was 6, my Aunt 4 and my uncle 6 months old, my grandfather died of a heart attack in Alaska on a long dog-sled ride and left my Grandmother a widow.
On and off for the next throughout much of their childhood, she packed up her three children, a nursemaid and a favorite niece who was nearer her age than the age of her children and roamed the earth.
I have a diary my father kept when he was 9 years old of life on a ship headed to Europe.
My Grandmother had the cameo carved of herself on a trip to Italy, I am guessing in the 1920's.
Treasured Remembrance Sampler Part 3 Cameos
Sometime likely about 15 years ago it occurred to me that lots of people had cameos that lived their lives in drawers and why didn't I made a sampler to display a cameo.
I carefully made a flap on the samplers so that I could pin on the cameo and then remove it if I wished, then pin it back in place.
If you look at the photo of the center with the cameo, you will see the flap and tucked underneath it a tiny pocket for a note about the cameo.
I made my Sampler for my Grandmother's cameo, but it isn't on the sampler; it is safely back in a drawer and I bought a substitute for the sampler. In the end I worried about traveling to teaching jobs and breaking or losing the cameo.
Treasured Remembrance Sampler Part 4 Lessons on Buying Cameos
For several years I traveled and taught this sampler and a series of other Cameo projects. It turned out that people didn't have cameos. They wanted cameos but they didn't want to buy them, they wanted me to. So I learned about cameos and how to shop for them. Flea markets and jewelry shops offered them but often at very high prices.
There are cameo collectors but by and large cameos were treasures from a bygone era and on eBay they weren't in great demand, the prices often reasonable and so I learned to shop on eBay.
The very first thing I learned holds true today: ask the dealer for specifics about the condition of something. In the case of a cameo, write and ask the dealer: if you hold the cameo up to the light, are there any cracks or chips? If indeed there are and the dealer doesn't tell you, you can return the cameo.
Treasured Remembrance Sampler Part 5 There are Cameos and There are Cameos
If you have ever taken an interest in Cameos, you will know that cameos vary greatly in quality. There are very grand cameos: Catherine the Great had a collection of cameos and Napoleon had a crown with them.
And there are more humble sisters sold in dime stores in the 1950's. And there is everything inbetween.
I liked them all. When I bought one and fell in love with her, I kept her. I ended up of course with a collection of cameos stretching through Victorian times up through the 1950's. I have a little dimestore set of necklace, earrings and bracelet that is charming. I like them all.
The important lesson I learned about cameos applies to our needlework as well: grand or humble, buy what you love, only what you love.
Treasured Remembrance Sampler Part 6 Stitching Treasured Remembrance.
Teaching the sampler was great fun! My students shopped for a cameo, and as cameos were all different colors, we spent time in class talking about coordinating the colors of the sampler to enhance each cameo.
In those days silks were much easier to come by and I traveled with a suitcase full of options so that people could change out their kit colors to coordinate with the cameo. Great color experiments and lessons for me too.
The sampler isn't the easiest sampler to stitch: lots of Stem Stitch and lots of Bullions and ribbon flowers that need a careful eye. Not easy but if you let go of the idea of perfection and just watch for balance, it is very freeing.
Treasured Remembrance Sampler Part 7 A Video
I apologize for the rocky beginning of the video: it smooths out at 00.06.
At 00.58 you will see a photo of my Grandmother's Cameo.
Back in the days of cameos I made this video with some of my favorite photography. These are my own cameos displayed on various projects I made, set to Celelia Bartoli and Mozart.
To play the video, click on the triangle in the lower left.
The video is rocky until .06 then it smooths out. I don't know why. It has been a long time since I made a video and I don't remember about doing it.
I do know this: I enjoyed watching all my little cameos and their projects. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.
My Samplers
Treasured Remembrance
Scroll down for the story of the Sampler.