Small Ruskin Samplers 1 and 2
Interested in the Ruskin Lace technique but new to it and want to try it?
These are two little samplers to introduce the techniques of Ruskin Lace..
Each sampler as I stitched it: 6" wide x 14" tall on white congress cloth. Instuctions include Oversize Graphs (I just redrew the graphs for Small Ruskin Sampler #1).
Small Ruskin Sampler #1
Instructions only (no threads,
no canvas), $38.00 including shipping.
Small Ruskin Sampler #2
Instructions only (no threads,
no canvas) $38.00 including shipping
Drawn Thread Sampler Instructions including both versions (no threads, no canvas)
$68.00 including shipping
Drawn Thread Sampler Instructions are 142 pages long.
In addition there are layout pages and reference pages for the Doodle Sampler. --without promising I've added acurately (because of title pages etc.) the whole thing is 161 pages long. It gets squished into a priority envelope.
May 2: My Next Sunday Sale
I haven't decided yet what to sell; I will use the week to see what
I have lying around and I'll plan it.
Meanwhile, I have finished sending out May 2nd's Sale. I ended up
with one left-over Drawn Thread Sampler Instructions, one Small Ruskin Sampler #1 and #2, and 2 each of the hearts. I kept them
for security. I will offer them when I'm sure all packages are safe.
On Left: Here is an idea for practice:
work the center of Drawn Thread Sampler for practice,
then add a two-tone border around it as illustrated on the left, maybe of a Scotch Stitch variation.
Hint for setting up the design: figure out the size, then work a row of the border FIRST to set it up; then work the center, then finish the border.
Echoes Imitation Cutwork Heart kit including shipping, $53.00.
Echoes Beaded Heart kit,
including shipping, $76.00.
Above, the smaller 'doodle' sampler on linen. The techniiques are the same,
the layout is included with the instructions for the big sampler. Difficulty level is the same, just less of it.
Please note: these instructions are hand drawn and 30 years old. I know they work because there have been many finished Drawn Thread Samplers, but they are not as finished looking as my instructions today. Again, a caution: Long, involved and difficult and not recommended for the novice stitcher.
Small Ruskin Sampler #1
Small Ruskin Sampler #2
Echoes Beaded Heart
Drawn Thread Sampler
This sampler of mine is from long ago, so long ago that it qualifies as vintage.
A large cutwork sampler, not the
easiest project to stitch, therefore
not for the novice stitcher.
Echoes Imitation
Cutwork Heart
(no cutting)
My World of Needlework
My second Sunday Sale was May 2 2021,
my Spring Cleaning.
This sale is closed now.
This Sunday Sale was on May 2, 2021